OET for nurses - Foundation

OET for nurses - Foundation

The Foundation course deals with improving the language ability of the learner from A2 to B1/B2. The training is undertaken by including components of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Grammar and Study skills. All these are included in a cohesive and structured manner set withing the medical domain. This assures familiarity of topics for our learners, thus enabling better comprehension and easier orientation to learn English.

We train professionally on all four aspects of communication - reading, writing, listening and speaking. Ebek has all you need for preparing and giving the OET test. With specialized feedback from our academic board and the candidate’s personal tutor, the students get more confident. Professional support and training is achieved with the required materials in the form of seminars, webinars and a repository of online materials. Getting a grade B becomes simple with Ebek Med! Our courses are designed with utmost care for our candidates to excel in the field of healthcare.

General English and Professional English courses are available for the users based on their current language level and need.